Are you a retiree who’s thinking about an “encore” to your previous work career? Whether you’re looking to pursue a life-long hobby in the form of a paid position, looking for a chance to engage in a wholly different kind of work, or are facing the challenges of cost increases due to inflation, today’s world of work is an opportune time to re-engage in the workforce. Many employers are offering more flexible schedules and wages have never been higher.
The Retiree Workforce Group hosts events focused on helping retirees learn how to connect with employers and what type of opportunities exist for re-engaging in the workforce. This year we’re proud to bring the “Reimaging Retirement” series with THREE free events scheduled for March 19th, March 26th, and April 2nd.
Retiree Workforce Brunch, March 19th | 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM. 540 Main Street, Kalispell. Plan to attend the Retiree Workforce Brunch on Wednesday, March 19th at 10am. Location: First Presbyterian Church, Main Street, downtown Kalispell (lower level meeting room). Over casual coffee and pastries you’ll hear from nearly a dozen local employers who will each give a short 5-minute presentation about who they are and the jobs they have! It’s FREE to attend, pre-registration is requested to plan for catering. Register at: Sign up and encourage your friends and family to sign up, too! If you’re thinking about returning to work – seasonally, part-time, or full-time, this is the event you want to attend. And – the coffee and pastries are a nice free bonus!
March 26 – Employment Workshop | 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM, at Job Service Kalispell, Kalispell.
Get hands-on guidance on updating résumés, completing online applications, and navigating today’s job market. Register at:
April 2 – “Back to Work – On Your Terms” | 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM, at the Kalispell Chamber at 2 South Main Street, Suite 205, Kalispell.
Explore motivations to return to work, quantifying what’s best for you and your life right now. Led by Sherrie Patterson, Essential Development and Coaching. Register at:

Interested in learning more of have other questions? Contact Jenn Cronk at the Kalispell Chamber at [email protected] or 406-758-2801.
Retiree Resources:
EasterSeals-Goodwill: Senior Employment Program
If you are a job-seeking retiree worker, and would like to learn more about re-joining the workforce, you can contact the JobService Kalispell or Jenn Cronk at the Kalispell Chamber- 406-260-3015 and we’d be happy to help connect you with employment resources.